James Cameron

James Cameron Bibliography

The complete works of British journalist James Cameron….

JAMES-CAMERON-006British journalist James Cameron was one of the twentieth century’s great journalists. His writing style was factual, to the point, short on high emotion and high on informed knowledge of the people, places, culture and history of his given location.

Cameron was hugely inspiring, he witnessed most of the great global events of his day, met anyone who was anyone and remained a principled, well liked gentleman in a hostile environment. His was a life very well lived, married three times, he travelled across the globe and did it in style. His books, all but one now out of print, remain a treasure trove of information and inspiration. If you, like me, are totally fed up with most of today’s journalism then look to Cameron for help. If you are interested in geopolitics then you will find all the historical background information you need in his books on Vietnam, Israel, China, Africa and much of Cold War Europe.

His writing deserves to be read, his memory kept alive and lessons learnt from what he saw and described. Because what is life other than history repeating itself? I am fortunate to own all of his books and below are reviews and information on all of them. Please hover over titles for linked pages.

The Complete Works of James Cameron:

Touch of the Sun (1950)

Mandarin Red (1955)

1914 (1959)

The African Revolution (1961)

1916 (1962)

Witness (1965)

Here is Your Enemy (1966)

Point of Departure (1967)

What a Way to Run the Tribe (1968)

An Indian Summer (1975)

The Making of Israel (1976)

Yesterday’s Witness (1979)

The Best of Cameron (1981)

Cameron in the Guardian (1985)


Secrets of Suez (translated into English by Cameron & foreword)

Studs Terkel’s dedication to James Cameron

Vicky-A Memorial Volume (1967)

Peace Moves: Nuclear Protest in the 1980s by Ed Barber, forward by James Cameron

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